
Address: 143903, Moscow oblast, Balashikha, Highway enthusiasts, 139

GPS Coordinates: 55.803658,38.023397

How to get to us

Located at 21 km of the M7 highway towards Moscow.
There are public transport stops near the hotel, which can take you to Moscow (distance to the Moscow Ring Road - 13 km).
You can leave your car in the free parking lot.
GPS coordinates: 55.803658, 38.023397

How to get to the nearest metro
The Bezmenkovo ​​public transport stop is located near the hotel.

1. Partizanskaya.
Buses: No. 322, No. 337, No. 444
Route buses: No. 1214k

2. Novokosino.
Route buses: No. 1250k.

3. Novogireevo.
Route buses: No. 473k, No. 1209k.

4. Perovo.
Route buses: No. 587k, No. 886k.